
七期、出发ฅ( ̳• ·̫ • ̳ฅ)にゃ♡

【文字翻译】Across the Wall – Ch1(4)(百日翻译DAY 084)

【文字翻译】Across the Wall – Ch1(4) – Garth Nix(百日翻译DAY 084)


“You would almost certainly be shot if you try to cross illegally,” said Edward. “A fate you would richly deserve. Particularly since you are not giving me the opportunity to help you. I do not know why you or anyone else would want to go to the Old Kingdom—my year on the Perimeter as General Hort’s ADC certainly taught me the place is best avoided. Nor do I wish to annoy your father and hurt your mother, but there are certain circumstances in which I might grant you permission to cross the Perimeter.”


“What! Really?”


“Yes, really. Have I ever taken you or any other of my nephews or nieces to a house party before?”


“Not that I know—”


“Do I usually make a habit of attending parties given by someone like Alastor Dorrance in the middle of nowhere?”


“I suppose not....”


“Then you might exercise your intelligence to wonder why you are here with me now.”


“Gatehouse ahead, sir,” interrupted the bodyguard as the car rounded a sweeping corner and slowed down. “Recognition signal is correct.”



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